juliatomiak.com - Diary of a Word Nerd

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In my immediate family of six, I classify at least three of my people as introverts. They dislike small talk (in some cases talk in general), enjoy time alone, and find social situations with large numbers of people exhausting. They often come off to people who don’t know them as aloof, cold, or even arrogant. And sadly, I didn’t fully appreciate my introverts until I read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain . In fact, after reading just a few chapters of

Quiet explains introverted tendencies and, even better, touts the value introverts bring to our culture. In a world that gives most attention to the loud and charismatic extroverts, introverts go unnoticed and unappreciated. Introverts might not know how to, or like to, work a room, but they do know how to work on problems. Without introverts, we would not have the inventions and technology and literature we celebrate today.

In one of the first chapters, Cain offers a quick, non-scientific 20 question quiz to assess where readers fit on the introvert/ extrovert continuum. My husband and one son answered almost all 20 questions as introverts. My daughter and I fell in the middle, answering about half as introverts and half as extroverts. That makes us ambiverts. Aren’t we special?

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