justchangeindia.com - JCI – Directly Linking Communities

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Every day in the Nilgiris starts with the onrush of nature—fresh air, hills, trees, birds, animals and our people. Mother nature offers her bounty to all. Our provider and greatest teacher, she taught us the ancient enduring law of the forest. All that we get from her are meant to be shared  between the forest, those who depend on her and you.

Thus germinated the idea of ‘The Third Share’. The Kattunayakan tribes who traditionally gather honey from the forests, leave a share of the honeycomb for the bears to feast. They retain a small share of it for their families, and share the rest with you. They believe the sacred act of sharing mother nature’s endowment is the only way to let the goodness of honey nourish the body and soul.

Rooted in oneness with nature, all the other offerings under the umbrella of ‘The Third Share’ are naturally grown.

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