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Trying to feed adults and an almost toddler can be a challenge for us, but gives me a nice excuse to push me a little bit. I LOVE quinoa and especially love that it is a complete protein without any additional help. Forming it into patties seems like a no brainer and makes for a perfect finger food for my 11 month old Max. What?! Don't believe me that an 11 month old would like to chomp on quinoa cakes? Ok, see for yourself then!  QUINOA CAKES RECIPE - This recipe is adapted from Whole Foods 1 cup quinoa, r

Before I start with the recipe, I must address my tardiness in posting to my beloved food blog. “Was it something we did?” you might ask yourself. I will respond we a resounding NO!!! It isn’t you, it’s me. It was a much needed break, and I have returned feeling rested, recouped, revived, and reinvigorated! My fingers are ready to type and my mind is tripping over itself with tantalizing recipe ideas. While I was gone, we had a baby! Yep, a bouncing baby boy that is nearly 9 months old. He is happy, healthy