justicegraphicnovel.com - Get Downloadable Sample - Justice Graphic Novel

Description: "A beautiful tale of an ugly war. A real depiction of a window of Nepal’s history.”

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“. . . tense and heartfelt . . . shadows gathering over a sunny childhood.” ―BookLife Review

“It was a simple life; a peaceful life,” narrator Tara muses in Ram Khatri’s pained, humane graphic novel. “At least that’s what I thought in my childhood innocence.” Justice chronicles, from young Tara’s perspective, the end of that innocence, which comes to her Nepali family farm in the form of war. First, in the early 2000s, her nation is torn between Maoist revolutionaries and government forces, with her father increasingly pressured to take a side. As neighbors turn on each other, and young people are

Justice is the story of a young girl’s brave journey to reclaim the life she left behind during the unforgiving conflict of the Nepali Civil War. In the story, the girl learns the truth about the life that she left behind.

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