jv-international.com - 【乐鱼买球官网】(中国)有限公司

Description: 【乐鱼买球官网】(中国)有限公司婉儿推荐有限公司现有员工100余人,其中教授级高工9人,高级工程师29人,注册建筑师、注册结构师、注册设备工程师、注册造价师、注册岩土工程师、注册规划师、注册建造师、注册咨询师等40余人。涵盖了建筑、结构、采矿、选煤、机电、暖通、给排水、水利、市政、总图、通讯、经济等二十多个专业。主要承担承担国内外城镇小区、商业中心、写字楼、酒店、医院、学校、体育场馆、厂区等建筑咨询、设计及工程总承包;承担国内外矿区总体规划,矿井和选煤厂设计及工程总承包;承担市政工程、水利水务、地下工程的设计及工程总承包。【乐鱼买球官网】(中国)有限公司未来,公司将秉承“务实、创新、合作、共赢”的理念,以“科技银河”为战略目标,以新能源、人工智能和特种装备为发展主线,通过产业加投资双轮驱动,努力再造一个新银河,实现更高质量发展。

【乐鱼买球官网】(中国)有限公司 (1)

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Are you looking for a reliable company to support your industrial component requirements? Look no further than JV International Limited. With over 30 years’ experience in Africa and located in 20 countries worldwide, JV International is a leading UK based supplier of spare parts and supplies to the Mining, Construction, Oil & Gas Industries.

Here at JV International, we appreciate how the availability of industrial parts and components is vital to your business operations. The need to avoid machine break downs and keeping your plants and equipment running are some of the challenges you face on a daily basis.

JV International can help you with your requirements and can assist you through the purchase of your industrial parts and components. Our company has a proven track record within Africa and Asia for providing a cost effective engineered solution and have established a reputation for providing excellent procurement services. We offer the safest, most reliable equipment sourced for the worlds top manufacturers.

Links to jv-international.com (8)