Description: Johnny Waller Jr. has worked in the community for a decade helping to reduce violence and help ex-offenders successfully reenter society.
Welcome to my Life!
Johnny Waller Jr. is the C.E.O of The JLW Group L.L.C, JLW MediaTech L.L.C & Expungement Program Manager at the UMKC School of Law. When Mr. Waller is not working on his organizations, he works in the community on various social justice issues including ranging from the reduction of violence to the civil restoration of second chance citizens rights. He has also worked to pass local and state legislation along with members of the community in an effort to build a united, more equitable Kansas City. Mr. Walle
Mr. Waller is currently a board member with Synergy Services and Business Coach at G.I.F.T (Generating Income for Tomorrow) and serves on various committees throughout Kansas City including the GreenLight Fund, Minority Business Coalition and founder of the Rockhurst University Alumni Group Of Color. In Addition, he has attended many training programs including UMKC’s mini-law school, M.A.R. C’s Community Leadership training and Addictions Academy hosted by Lincoln University to name a few.