jwegan.com - Growth Engineering

Description: Growth Engineer @Pinterest

growth hacking (150)

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(and avoiding the spam folder)

Email is a powerful engagement channel, even in the age of mobile and push notifications. However, if you’re a startup, setting up your email sending infrastructure and monitoring your reputation can be overwhelming and complicated. I’ve seen multiple startups that have struggled with email reputation issues and having their emails end up in the spam folder. This guide is based on what I’ve learned from working in email for many years at a scale of sending billions of emails per month. First I’ll break down

This section is quite technical, so feel free to skip ahead to the next section (Domain & IP Pools) if you aren’t interested in hearing the gory technical details on how to set up your email DNS ( Domain Name System ) records. Setting up your email DNS records can be complicated because email requires a number of different DNS records to implement various protocols that have been developed over the years. You will need to set up the following records to send and make sure email service providers (ESPs) can

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