jworldschool.com - JWorld Sailing School

Description: J/World Sailing School

j/world sailing school (1)

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J/World - Who Are We? J/World is "the performance sailing school." This means we guarantee that regardless of your present skill level or the type of boat you prefer, your training at J/World will improve your performance as a sailor. Attending J/World will teach you more about sailing than any other sailing school in the country.

The Racing and Cruising School Is J/World just a racing school? Absolutely not! Each year more men, women and children from age 12 to 70 become captivated with sailing. Whether you're a beginning sailor or a racer seeking to improve your fleet standings, J/World has a course to meet your goals.

Planning Your Sail Training Everyone at J/World is a sailor; from the teaching staff to the office staff. Your first telephone contact with J/World will be with an individual who is experienced in discussing sailing and your sailing plans.

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