k6bw.org - Hamilton Wireless Association Amateur Radio Club_ Marin County, Calif. home_site

Description: Ham radio amateur club electronics marin county california field day cw code shortwave dx radio frequency hf high frequency vhf very high frequency uhf ultra high frequency antennas melt solder radio kits home brew radio boat anchor radios qrp low power tranceiver receiver transmitter high power amplifiers KW kilowatt watt am fm navy mars morse code hamilton field san rafael, california key keyer hand key streight key transistors power tube vacuum tube

ham radio amateur club electronics marin county california field (1) california key keyer hand key streight key transistors power tub (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The Hamilton Wireless Association was founded in 1999 by Amateur Radio Operators.

    The basic purpose of the club is to enrich the community by providing Amateur Radio resources that might otherwise not be available to radio enthusiasts, and provide public service in emergencies and other community activities

            ...and to raise antennas, melt solder and have fun.