kajsaha.com - KajsaHA | Remembering Herman Chinery-Hesse: Innovation, Humor, and Humanity

Description: ✨I'm Kajsa Hallberg Adu. I am a scholar of migration, tech, and higher education, with two home countries, Sweden and Ghana. This blog is personal, political, & sometimes positive.

blog (30127) writer (7855) politics (4170) sweden (1101) higher education (1065) migration (970) ghana (667) tema (158) accra (138) kwame nkrumah (4)

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Kajsa Hallberg Adu, Ph.D, Personal Blog

I am one of the 100 most followed scientists in Sweden on Twitter and LinkedIn in 2022, just below public scholars  Agnes Wold and  Robert Egnell . I came in on a sweet 23 spot!

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