kan.land - KAN

Description: KAN 是 BitKan 平台发行的基于以太坊 ERC20 标准的代币,KAN 可以在多种场景下使用并流通,服务于社区的价值激励、共享经济,最终构建K站数字货币生态机制。

token (1664) 区块链 (636) kan (72) bitkan (2) 代币 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

45% of the total amount will be raised from institutional investors (4.5 billion tokens).

20% of the total amount will be reserved for the project team, which will be used for project developing and team stimulation (2 billion tokens).

35% of the total amount of tokens will be used for the operation of this project(3.5 billion tokens).