kanarkiewicz.com - Michał Kanarkiewicz: mówca, trener strategicznego myślenia, konsultant, szachista

Description: Poznaj tajniki myślenia strategicznego poprzez grę w szachy. Michał Kanarkiewicz jest konsultantem biznesowym i mówcą, który przekłada myślenie mistrzów szachowych do świata biznesu. Pomaga liderom i zespołom największych organizacji myśleć i planować skuteczniej, dzięki czemu osiągają lepsze wyniki.

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Customers who trusted us

Without the supply of products, even the best business can get into difficulty. That’s why we helped one of our hotel and restaurant customers reduce their average delivery delay by 62% by implementing a new asset management strategy.

On-site and online All training programs provided by the Strategist Academy are available both on-site and online. The online training course includes a complete set of exercises. Thanks to our dedicated software, you can also work in small groups. The on-site training is recommended for people who prefer traditional methods of presentation and to companies whose employees don’t have enough computer skills. Our profile Who will benefit from Strategist Academy training?