kaolgrenstoriesnmore.com - K.A. Olgren Stories 'n' More | Marginally Controlled Chaos

Description: Marginally Controlled Chaos

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Pikes Peak Writers just finished up their 30th Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference. The theme was Wordstock ’23, 3 Days of Peace, Love, and Writing. As president, it was my job to shake hands and kiss puppies. By puppies, I mean the wonderful Oski, faithful companion and service dog to Chris Mandeville , but I digress already (easily distracted by books and dogs). I had the freedom to roam the whole conference area, attend whatever workshops I wanted, and run errands throughout the hotel for my fellow volu

A whole lot of volunteers are required to put the PPW conference on, including our conference director, Jenny Kate, our MC, Bowen Gillings, our programming director Karen Fox, our bookstore manager, Laura Hayden (second in command, James Knight), our registrar, Charise Simpson, our sponsor coordinator Nikia Hunt, our pitch coordinator Cara Allen, our webmaster, Sharon Manislovich, our wonderful and talented ballroom coordinator and creator of our theme, Rebecca Glesener Davis (aren’t these decorations just

I talked to PPW members, non-members, agents, editors, and writers of every level from novice, to hobby, to indie, to traditionally published. This post is aimed at those that are newer to the writing game, writers conferences, and what to do after drinking from the fire hose that is a writers conference.

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