karlstratos.com - Karl Stratos

Example domain paragraphs

I develop computational methods for automatic text understanding. More specifically, my research tends towards Unsupervised representation learning : Abstraction is key to understanding. Can models learn abstract (and ideally human-readable) representations from raw text that are useful for downstream tasks? We have developed methods for learning such representations based on maximal mutual information ( ICML20 , AISTATS20 , NAACL19 ) , discrete variational autoencoders ( ACL20 ) , and spectral learning ( T

I am an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Rutgers University. I completed a PhD in computer science from Columbia University in 2016. During PhD, I was advised by Michael Collins and also worked closely with Daniel Hsu . After PhD, I was a senior research scientist at Bloomberg LP (2016-2017), an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University (2017), and a research assistant professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (2017-2019).

First off, thanks for considering working with me. I apologize in advance if I'm not responsive. I lack the mental bandwidth to give the rightful attention to all that comes to me. Don't let my flaw discourage you.

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