kashyap7x.github.io - Kashyap Chitta | AI Researcher

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I am a PhD student at the University of Tübingen, Germany, where I am part of the Autonomous Vision Group led by Prof. Andreas Geiger . I plan to finish my PhD by the end of 2023 and I am looking for postdoc positions!

Research: I am excited about data-driven solutions to complex decision-making tasks. Currently, my research focuses on self-driving vehicles. Specifically, I am interested in how autonomous agents can use attention-based deep neural networks to create abstract representations suitable for safe navigation. Further, I am big fan of simulation, and am interested in building data-driven simulators tailored towards improving the robustness and generalization of learned policies. Representative papers are highlig

Bio: Kashyap did a bachelor's degree in electronics at the RV College of Engineering , India. He then moved to the US in 2017 to obtain his Master's degree in computer vision from Carnegie Mellon University , where he was advised by Prof. Martial Hebert . During this time, he was also an intern at NVIDIA working with Dr. Jose M. Alvarez . He is currently a PhD student in the Autonomous Vision Group at the University of Tübingen, Germany, supervised by Prof. Andreas Geiger .

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