katestake.com - Kate's Take

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A personal blog where I muse about my ideas, thoughts and current obsessions. 

Since our move earlier in the pandemic, I’ve been putting a lot of my energy into decorating our home and the kids rooms, especially Maggie’s was one of my first projects. When it comes to decorating, selecting finishes and furnishings for kids rooms is at the tippy top of my list. They can be so colorful, free wheeling and just plain fun! But, best of all is seeing their look of pride and joy when they see their newly decorate room for the first time. Read along for my TAKE on little girls’ room decor.

Prior to this home, Maggie never had a room of her own so to say, I’d been thinking about it for a while is an understatement. Before, she was born I commissioned the embroidered artwork on the left, You Are My Sunshine from Rachel Castle and purchased the white Jenny Lind dresser and bookcase from Crate & Barrel; so those were my starting points. Other than these three items everything else was purchased for our new home or was repurposed from another room in our old house.