katjatuma.github.io - Katja Tuma

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Asst. Prof. @ VU

In 2021 I joined the Foundational and Experimental Security research group as Assistant Professor (Universitair docent 2) and am working at the Department of Computer Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam within the Computer Systems group. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, which I completed at the University of Gothenburg . I am an active member of EUGAIN (WG3: From Ph.D. to Professor), and diversity co-officer for CSE department at the VU.

2 research assistants (0.2 FTE) for 12 months: Are risks perceived differently (or equally) by male or female analysis? What other diversity processes are taking place in social engineering threats? Join us in this exciting new interdisciplinary research journey with the Twente University! Contact me.

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