katyaberez.com - Katya Berez

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As Jack Hough puts it: Van Gogh is the guy whose fields look swirly; if it’s a party scene, and people look happy – Renoir. If they look unhappy – Manet. Ballerinas = Degas. If everyone is naked and physically fit – Michelangelo. Naked with large tushes? Rubens. If it looks like you’re on a hallucinogen, it’s a Dali. If body parts have migrated to strange places – either you’re on a hallucinogen or it’s Picasso’s later works.

My friends have been sending me links to Masterworks , and some have asked if they should invest. I asked myself the same question – I created an account, set up a call, and drilled some questions (well answered, I will say). This p odcast episode did an excellent job in explaining it. I wanted to share it with you.

In our lifetimes, we will see a painting sell for $1 billion following the $450.4 million da Vinci sale. The art market was estimated at $1.7-2.0 trillion with ~$67 billion in sales in 2017. Half of art is exchanged privately, the other half flirts with numbered paddles. Most of it is expensive.