kawamke.com - Home - Kawa

Description: The only official website of KAWA Japanese restaurant in Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. KAWA offers the most traditional Japanese food in Milwaukee. Please place your order online at Asianfoodmap.com.

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Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta), seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari (しゃり) or sumeshi (酢飯))

We only purchase the materials from certified shops in the US. Fresh and safe. Vegatables, fishes......

We are happy to be on list of AsianFoodMap, the most professional asian foodie expert. Which is most recognized by Asian customers in the US. Now, you can view and order our food easily.