kayscookery.com - PG电子(中国)官方网站

Description: PG电子(中国)官方网站注册资金1000万元,公司拥有固定资产7000余万元,员工120余人,厂房面积10000多平方米,年产值达到5000余万元专业研发、设计、制造和销售数控设备的高新企业。公司成立于2007年,大多数销售和服务人员是部队退伍军人,作风硬朗!技术人员中更有数名业内精英,常年合作于北京航天航空大学、上海复旦大学等国内知名学府,产品精益求精并不断的更新升级。

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Kay's Cookery , where cooking is all about learning to expand your cooking skills to encompass a world of herbs, spices and techniques. Kay's Cookery was set up by Kalwant Sahota after she came back from her journey across India with TV Chef Gary Rhodes for his programme Rhodes Across India . While in India, she increased her already extensive background of Indian Cooking , being taught by local experts from each region.

At Kay's Cookery you can learn to cook international cuisine, such as Thai , baking and specialised menus for those with food allergies, for example wheat free, and of course Indian cooking .

Kay's Cookery is based on a philosophy of taking fabulous authentic Indian / Asian / British dishes and converting them into modern, healthy versions, so that you can enjoy them on a daily basis.

Links to kayscookery.com (7)