kbearcreation.com - Kbear Creation | Video & Web

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I have created art througout my life, but only recently have I turned my sights on doing it professionally. I am, at heart, a storyteller and there are so many way to tell stories that I can't limit myself to any one medium. Recently I have returned to woodworking and scultpture, inspired by the work that I grew up watching my father Jim Baringer do in his shop. I've found that wood has a quality that imbues any sculpture with a deeper meaning than just the shapes carved out by the artist. It has the histor

In addition to woodworking and sculpture I am involved in creating drawings and illustrations, both by hand and digitally, for fantastical and wonderous stories brought to life by tabletop roleplaying games like Trove , the game created by me and my partners at Tumbledie Games . I've had lots of fun designing the cover of the Trove Foundation rulebook and other pieces for the game and look forward to growing my portfolio of work to ignite the imagination.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then imagine how much can be conveyed by 24 images per second? Video is a medium which captures our attention and brings forth emotions like no other, but only when used correctly.