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Description: We focus on emergency communications methods and techniques, ARES & RACES related.

technology (16138) ham radio (1202) amateur radio (998) electrical engineering (382) emergency preparedness (134) digital communication (73) emergency communications (55) hf radio (19) emcomm (18) auxcom (2)

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Many National Weather Service offices in the U.S. include Amateur Radio as a part of their operations plan, and most of those utilize a linked repeater network of some sort. We’re going to cover the general concept of a linked repeater network as well as how they work, and why local weather nets are often held on non-network repeaters. A linked repeater network is a coordinated group of repeaters that rebroadcast radio transmissions picked up by other repeaters on the network, allowing ham radio operators h

We've been covering various digital modes over the past few months, particularly PSK, APRS & Winlink.

While digital voice modes like D-Star, Fusion, and others offer some other EMCOMM related enhancements to our conventional analog modes, the real improvement in our ability to communicate comes from our ability to automate various functions and communicate complex data more efficiently, digital modes that allow us to harness the power of computers.

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