Description: 全行程を一貫して行い、輪島塗の伝統技法で様々な漆器を製作している慶塚漆器工房。輪島塗の展示室でお茶と共に漆器をお愉しみ頂けます。
漆器 (160) 輪島塗 (26) 漆芸 (14) 慶塚漆器工房 (1) わじま慶塚 (1)
Carrying on the traditional techniques of Wajima lacquerware and putting in extensive time and effort as we go through the entire process consisting of more than 70 steps, we produce a variety of lacquerware items with great care. Each process step is performed in an integrated manner at our workshop where a diverse range of items are created with the highest possible standard by leveraging the skills of master artisans.
In hopes to provide visitors an opportunity to become more familiar with lacquerware, we also have a Wajima lacquerware exhibition room. Feel free to casually visit us – we will be waiting for you with Japanese tea and sweets. We look forward to seeing you at our workshop.