Description: Formenbau Kellermann - Fertigungskompetenz für Ihre Produkte. Ihr Ansprechpartner aus Postbauer-Heng in der Nähe von Nürnberg.
fräsen (831) werkzeugbau (528) metallbearbeitung (350) formenbau (336) lohnfertigung (245) zerspanung (210) erodieren (89) spritzgusswerkzeuge (14) mehrkomponentenwerkzeuge (1)
Manufacturing competence for your products - this has been our motto for over 50 years. And it is still valid today.
But the method of applying this competence has clearly undergone changes. We have always evolved technologically, developing and expanding our core competencies.
We take responsibility for our activities in society, for ecologically sound production combined with economic efficiency and high quality. For us this means sustainability!