- Defending Democratic Capitalism

Description: Democrats must demonstrate to voters that Conservative politicians and economists are using half-truths and obvious lies to change our country from a democracy to a plutocracy. To prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, one only has to read our most prestigious financial publications: The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Barron's and Business Week

social security (292) liberal democrats (14) political candidates (10) progressive democrats (5) democratic primaries (3) election 2004 (2) federal government tax policies (2) pork barrel spending (2) right wing conservatives (2) ethics in government (2)

Example domain paragraphs

From Barron’s magazine (our most prestigious conservative financial publication for serious investors), Feb. 16, 2004, at the height of George Bush's popularity: “Bush … is engineering a fundamental change in the tax system. By gradually taking capital out of the tax base through reductions in levies on dividends, capital gains and inheritances, Bush is transforming the income tax into a pure tax on wages. If Bush can finish his work, the capital gains, dividend and estate taxes may disappear entirely.” How

Current Major Issues This week's top issue: The class war is over, and the bankers won

A classic two-minute video demonstrates how conservatives deliberately lie about economic issues.

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