- Ken C. Hamilton | Fine Art | Illustration | New Jersey

Description: Ken C. Hamilton grew up in Spokane WA. In 1978, following Art School, he left for NY to become an Illustrator/Fine Artist. This is a compilation of his work.

painting (13892) landscape (7870) china (5188) watercolor (1934) award-winning (1130) figurative (575) fine artist (355) njwcs (2) mary s. lawrence founders award (1) quingdao art museum (1)

Example domain paragraphs



KEN C. HAMILTON sees art as a reflection of life’s adventure. In a concerted way, his materials become living parts essential to the idea as he conducts an ongoing exploration merging the inner vision with the outer visual experience. Instinctively, he strives to bring out beauty and dignity as the world around him presents a widespread dichotomy of fragile, elusive and often conflicting tensions, using the language of his palette to find some order and meaning.