- Find Inventory Services Indiana

Description: For professional home and business inventories in Indiana, call Kendall Inventory at 317-509-8138. Inventory services for disaster preparedness, insurance, collectibles, estates, business assets.

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Time. You are busy and just can’t find the time, no matter how certain you are that it’s necessary to have an inventory of your belongings. It can be a time-consuming, daunting task and often one that doesn’t make it to the top of a to-do list.

Know-how.   You certainly could take a pencil and paper and list everything you own, or enter your information into the latest app. However, most just don’t know where to start, what to list, what to photograph, or how to keep it up to date. That’s where we come in!

Integrity.  Understanding the importance of trust, we sign a Confidentiality Guarantee prior to starting your inventory service. Additionally, we are certified, bonded, and insured.