- Counselling For Individual Relationship Problems

Description: Kent Counselling For Individuals is a specialist counselling service for individuals, women and men to talk about relationships.

children (10136) women (5497) counselling (3825) men (1969) couples (1658) families (1381) maidstone (319) sexual abuse (270) relate (24) kent counsellor (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Relationships - Find yourself on your own again? - Constant communication breakdown with either partners/friends/siblings/parents etc. - Have you seen yourself get into numerous relationships over the years, only to watch them all slowly fail? - Does it feel like you are simply destined to either be lonely or, at best, to put up with an unsatisfactory relationship?

There are many reasons why relationships fail, and powerful blame traits that see us crippled by; Resentment, anger, no confidence, low self esteem feeling rejected etc. Have you ever stopped to ask why?

Kent Counselling is a service specifically designed for individuals to help deal with the pain and disappointment from relationships. Understanding your relationship traits and learning how to make better choices for the future.