- Kevin Shu's Personal Website

Example domain paragraphs

I'm a fourth year PhD candidate in the Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization department at Georgia Tech. My main interests are on the intersection between convex geometry and algebraic geometry. Of recent interest to me are sums-of-squares type problems in algebra, and stable polynomials which appear in convex optimization. Recently, I have been interested in applications of generalized semidefinite programs to sparse quadratic programming. I am advised by Greg Blekherman .

I did my undergraduate education at Caltech in mathematics and computer science. In addition to mathematics, I also make computers do things (like rendering this website here), crocheting and rock climbing.

I am trying to write a blog to keep me honest about what I've been reading/thinking about. Check it out here . I do have a github , but it is not very well curated. That is also where this website is hosted.