- Welcome to The Key of Solomon

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"If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulders of Giants." -Sir Isaac Newton

This website was launched on the winter solstice day 2008 at 12:04 UTC on which a very rare astronomical event occurred called Galactic Alignment ( John Major Jenkins ). It hasn't occurred for 6.480 years. Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator of our Milky Way on a Solstice or Equinox day. Galactic Alignment fits into a larger framework of a Great Celestial Conjunction ( Smelyakov / Wicherink ). A Great Celestial Conjunction is the merger of two important zodiac crosses fo

The research conducted by the authors of this website focuses on this phenomenon and explores the ancient archives, monuments and artifacts for the numerous clues that were left behind by the ancients who apparently deemed this event very important. According to the ancients, the world's history can be divided into four 'World Ages' that are separated by the Galactic cross and moments of Great Celestial Conjunctions.  According to the Hopi, Aztec and Maya Indians, we are currently entering a new World Age ,

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