Description: Booklets about environnemental issues and concrete solutions to act at everyone's level, by Green Cross Task Forces. To buy or to download for free.
GREEN CROSS France et Territoires (GCFT) decided to create this website to share its publications, especially the Keys to Act series, for easy online reading.
After the publication of the « Water — Keys to Act » and« Oceans — Keys to Act » booklets, the next one will be « Circular Economy — Keys to Act ». These booklets, which are the products of Green Cross Task Forces, aim to display a synthetical overview of the issues, and to offer concrete solutions which allow anyone to act at their own level.
The booklet Water – Keys to Act , offers a comprehensive overview of water issues, including how water is used, modern sources of pollution, sanitation, oceans and water footprints. The document is organized with Solutions and Lessons learned , with simple and accurate arguments which allow everyone to act right now, at his own level.