kfbrownfieldy.cz - Konference Brownfieldy 2024 Pardubice

Description: Brownfield jako prostor pro odvahu, kreativitu a inovace pohledem státní i soukromé sféry.

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Menu Home speakers venue contact REGISTRATION More 5th Annual Conference on the development of brownfields in the Czech Republic 250+ attendees Leading representatives of the state, cities and investors among guests and speakers REGISTER

Cities and their attractiveness are constantly changing. Former industrial centres have become neglected areas and these are being turned into desirable locations for living. The transformation of a periphery into a vibrant area is a long-term and complicated process that requires a clear vision, good planning and, last but not least, finance. All these topics will be disccussed during the fifth annual Brownfield Conference in Kladno.

The language of the conference is Czech with simultaneous translation into English.

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