- Phoenixfyre [formerly Khandreia's Realm]

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Counter active since 3.12.99 (Help! I need a new counter! I lost count!)

Main Page Last Updated 12.05.2007: After a long downtime, I'm back on a new host with a new name and a slightly new look. Many old pages I used to have here have been scrapped, and some features I've had for a while but never linked to on the main page have finally been added. The Phoenix Files is gone, on account that all my rants are featured within my Livejournal, the wallpapers were scrapped because they suck and are too small, and a lot of the scrapped miscellaneous pages were older than dirt. But plea

While things may look and seem dead in some areas, merely checking my Livejournal from time to time will tell you that I am in fact alive.