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The KID's Countdown Calendar to Christmas provides a number of ways for parents, grand parents, and older children to spend QUALITY time with younger children.

The countdown calendar contains: A great front cover for the kids to color on December 1st (see our rendition to the right). A big tree with ornaments and packages on the inside where the kids color 1 ornament a day as they "count down to Christmas". A list of activites (on the back cover) such as: Write a letter to Santa. Stories to read. The Nutcracker. Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer. Making Christmas wreaths. Making "Christmas candles". Baking "reindeer crunch". Make puzzles from old Christmas cards. and

We believe the calendar will become a treasured keepsake in years to come. Especially for those that complete them several years in a row. Just think about being able to reminisce past Christmas memories by looking at what you and your child did together from years past.