- 鸿华瑞

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鸿华瑞 (23)

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Guangming Online interviewed Carl Fey, Professor of Strategy at BI Norwegian Business School, at Boao Forum for Asia about the policy of invigorating China through science and education on Mar. 28, 2023. Mr. Fey spoke highly of China's performance in science and technology investment and intellectual property protection. Based on his experience as Dean of the University of Nottingham Business School China, Mr. Fey gave his suggestions on how to train talents to meet the needs of high-quality development.">

  据澳大利亚塔州华人网编译报道,下个月,英国国王查尔斯三世和他的妻子卡米拉将乘坐皇家马车出席加冕典礼。  白金汉宫4月9日表示,英国国王将于5月6日在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂举行加冕仪式,仪式盛况空前,其 ...

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