- Schüttflix | Die App für Schüttgüter, Transporte und Entsorgung

Description: So geht digitale Baustelle: Schüttgüter und die Entsorgung von Abfällen einfach, günstig und transparent per App bestellen – deutschlandweit.

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Download on the App Store The app for everything related to construction materials Sand, crushed stone, gravel, the disposal of waste or even a few tipper-trailer ... Take the App Tour Take the App Tour Register now So much good stuff at the best prices Whether you need 26 tons of gravel or a whole 2500 tons, a little waste disposed of or a lot, we'll take care of your job site at the best price.

If you've got really big plans, we can arrange a project, which makes it even easier to put in orders with Schüttflix – at an even better price.