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We live in a small village that was upgraded to fibre in the exchange a few years back .  Unfortunately our house has an Exchange Only Line, which means it does not connect though a cabinet and so Openreach told us that FTTC was not available.

Recently a new cabinet has been installed at the exchange and we were told that we could now upgrade to fibre and should get around 70Mb download.  Well the day came and Openreach duly upgraded our service, in the process they found a fault on the line which they said should soon be fixed, but even so we should get 50Mb download, quite an improvement on our present 15 - well we did and we didn't.

As our house is fairly large and as the walls are full of granite WiFi coverage is poor, so I have been using power line networking for some years, starting with Panasonic devices and upgrading to faster TP link ones a couple of years back.  Never had a problem with either.