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Description: Kindred Spirits is an alliance of 9 friendly ‘poetry houses’ in 6 countries.

france (7798) poetry (4289) england (3304) foundation (3230) fondation (310) poètes (24) rimbaud (18) verlaine (16)

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Established by the Rimbaud and Verlaine Foundation , a UK arts organisation, Kindred Spirits is an alliance of 9 friendly ‘poetry houses’ in 6 countries . Its goal is a thriving programme of exchange, education and artistic commissioning based on a shared digital platform. The partners will work for mutual benefit, promoting the whole idea of a ‘poetry house’ as a cultural hub, and providing opportunities for people across Europe to participate in poetry and the arts. The network also aims to develop a sust

Créé par la Fondation Rimbaud et Verlaine , un organisme artistique britanique, Kindred Spirits est une alliance entre neuf “maison de la poésie” amies dans six pays différents. Son but est un programme actif d'échange, d'éducation et de mise en service artistique à travers une plate-forme numérique commune. Les partenaires travailleront pour un intêret commun, la promotion de l'idée d'une « maison de poésie » comme un centre culturel, mais aussi pour offrir l'opportunité de participer aux arts et à la poés

We are delighted to announce that, with the generous support of the Romanian Museum of Literature , the partners forming part of the Kindred Spirits network are meeting in Bucharest between 14-17 May 2015 . This is the first meeting of the partners, and will be a great opportunity for them to start working together. Representatives of the ‘poetry houses’ will be accompanied by leading poets from each country, who will be reading at the International Festival of Literature in Bucharest.