- High Beryllium Copper Alloy, Beryllium Copper Alloy Wire, CuNiSn Alloy- Goodao Technology Co., Ltd.

Description: Kinkou(Suzhou)Copper Industry Co.,Ltd. manufactures high-performance,high alloy materials that are featured with high temperature,high conductivity.

cucrzr alloy (2) low beryllium copper alloy (1) copper ferro alloy (1) c19160 (1) high beryllium copper alloy (1) beryllium copper alloy wire (1)

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The company manufactures high-performance, high alloy materials that are featured with high temperature, high conductivity, super strength, wear resistance,anti-fatigue and corrosion resistance. These materials are widely used in aerospace, communication,welding,petrochemical, medical and other fields.

CuCrZr alloy can be used in high temperature resistant and highly conductive wiring harness, automobile engine coil and so on.

In oil industry, CuNiSn alloy also can be used in hydraulic anchor, coupling of sucker rod of oil wells, logging while drilling(LWD), bearing bush and thrust washer.

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