- 吉兆堂|CBD原料販売卸 OEM ODM受託

Description: 1923年創業のノウハウと実績で幅広いOEM・ODM製品をご提案させていただきます。吉兆堂のCBD原料はスイス並びにアメリカの提携する農園・抽出工場より、高品質な純度99%以上のCBDのみを取り扱っております。小ロット、短納期での製品製造も承っております。当社のCBD製品の代理店様募集中!お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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Caring about customer lifestyle for over 100 years  We provide manufacturing and OEM services since 1923. In 2018, we expanded to a new line of production with CBD which has been widely accepted throughout the Japanese industry.

Share with us your questions! Kitchodo has been proud of its commitment to quality and service since its establishment.  While inheriting tradition, we pursue manufacturing that is conscious of solving problems of an everchanging global landscape, and develop a business that is tailored to your company.

C an I import products from abroad?

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