klrfilters.com - KLR Wine and Beer Filter System for Homebrew and Wine Making

Description: The purpose of this filtering system is to remove particles in your home brew and provide for filtration in a staged approach. WINE For filtering wine, the first stage is rough filtering, and uses the KLR the 5 micron filter cartridge. Rough filtering is typically done after primary fermentation and the leas have settled to

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The KLR Filter is a patented home brewing filter system specifically designed to filter wine and beer fermentations. The filter is made in America, with a hand-machined base made of sturdy, high impact PVC material. The KLR Filter has several advantages over other filters currently on the market:

For filtering wine, the first stage is rough filtering, and uses the KLR the 5 micron filter cartridge. Rough filtering is typically done after primary fermentation and the leas have settled to the bottom of your container. This is usually a month after the gasses have been stirred out, fining agents, have been added, and the wine has had time to settle. The second stage of wine filtering is called fine filtering, and uses the KLR 1 micron filter cartridge. It is typically performed after secondary fermenta

Beer filtering is somewhat different for several reasons. First and foremost is due to the particles in beer, typically consisting of larger pieces of things such as malts, hops, grains and debris. For that reason courser filters are usually more effective. When brewing beer it is more effective to start with a KLR 50 micron filter cartridge. The wort is made, and after cooling it is carefully poured into a fermentation vessel to avoid heavy sediment going into your brew. Next comes primary fermentation, an