Description: Krzysztof Klusik (born December 21, 1987) is a Polish painter, known for working with Italian curator and art critic Gaia Serena Simionati.
art (57129) painting (14252) oil (4375) oleje (236) malarstwo (220) krzysztof (50) oil on cavas (3) krzysztof klusik (1) klusik (1) krzysztofklusik (1)
Krzysztof Klusik (born December 21, 1987) is a Polish painter, known for working with Italian curator and art critic Gaia Serena Simionati. Exhibitions that they did together - Deficit (The Lack) in Galleria Poggiali e Forconi in Florence (2013), and Mitate in Galleria Effearte in Milan (2014) were his career milestones. Klusik also took part in the finale of the exhibition of Premio Combat Prize in Museo Civico G. Fattori in Livorno (2012) and did several shows in Poland, such as Redystrybucje in Galeria U
Solo Exhibitions: Milano Mitate/Tornare a Vedere, Gallery EffeArte, 28 marzo - 16 maggio 2014 curated by Gaia Serena Simionati Wrocław Redystrybucje, Galeria U, 15. 12. 2012- 05. 01. 2013 Opole SPORT, Kofeina Art Caffe, 15.04- 30.05. 2012 Group Exhibitions: Florence Deficit (The Lack) curated by Gaia Serena Simionati, Galeria Poggiali e Forconi, 16.03- 25.05. 2013 Livorno Premio Combat Prize 2012, Museo Civico G. Fattori, 22.06.- 30.06. 2012 Opole NOKTA, Teatr im Jana Kochanowskiego, 12. 05. 2017 Opole Dipl
Gaia Serena Simionati email: [email protected] phone: +39 338 5050393