Description: Konstantinos Manos Initiatives.Developer for Delphi,PHP,MYSQL,AJAX,WebServices,Online Games.Custom implementations: Internet Marketing,SEO,SEF
seo (22886) php (16897) developer (8971) mysql (4527) internet marketing (3007) ajax (1250) delphi (673) online game (600) webservices (150) sef (57)
After having spent numerous hours in front of computer screens, I am very happy to be able to have my hobby as my job and vice versa! My name is Konstantinos Manos and you are welcomed to my personal homepage. To know me a little better, here is a little something about my humble self :)
I was born on 26th of September 1978 in Athens and for as long as I can remember I was always fascinated by computers. The first computer I ever sat in front of, was an Amstrad CPC 464! It had a tape input device which roughly translated in 5-7 hours of waiting before the game was loaded! I can remember myself and my brother waking up in the morning, opening the computer, inserting the game's tape and typing the load command in the console, we then set off to the local playground until midday when we came b
The games then were REALLY expensive so we often ended up buying some computer magazines (e.g. PIXEL) that had the source code listing of simple games. We type it, save it and run it! It was then that I made my first "baby" steps in the software engineering area!