- Center for Knowledge Diffusion

Example domain paragraphs

The fundamental basis of a free and democratic society rests with access to knowledge and educational opportunity across the population. The Center for Knowledge Diffusion (CKD) has been organized to promote educational access by reducing barriers to opportunity across five substantive areas which are listed below. What unites these research domains is a theoretical agenda concerning access to educational opportunity. Whether these focal areas involve relational, financial, political, systemic or sociologic

By integrating meaningful mentoring opportunities for students, researchers, and faculty, we actively promote the diffusion of knowledge across multiple disciplines. We do this by conducting exceptional research, by developing talent, and by serving as a conduit for possibilities. In so doing, we use multiple methods to realize individual and organizational potential in the interest of the public, the government and community agencies.

Margaret M. Clements Director of Center for Knowledge Diffusion [email protected] (812) 361-4414