- 3 Alarm Design

Example domain paragraphs

Tribune Publishing

To help enhance the iOS app experience available in our 8 markets, we worked to have an application available the day the Apple Watch hit stores. The watch introduced a new way of thinking, and our team had to quickly iterate designs based on a tiny interface with basic features. Working as an extension to the parent iOS app, the watch adds functionality by allowing users quick access to breaking headlines, the ability to save to their device for reading later, along with the option to read the article if c

While launching the new sites for Tribune, it was clear that we needed a solid strategy for connecting the digital family that represented the brand. Working with the digital product team, Chris helped formulate a clear vision for an updated user experience. He lead the creative team — driving the UX and visual design — to create something truly unique. With features that include saving content for reading later, following topics, and changing the layout based on orientation, the app helped expand the reach