kokodama.se - A Gift From Nature - Kokodama

Description: Handcrafted from real coconut fibers, kokodama brings you the essence of trendy and green living

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The Kokodama is a botanic beauty. Her coconut fibre bowl creates a cosy and sustainable home for trendy and unusual plants. Hanging from the ceiling, sitting on a table or standing on the floor, the Kokodama can find her natural habitat in any interior.

We, the creators behind Kokodama, are big cocos fans. Everything we do revolves around coconuts. WE LIVE & LOVE KOKO!

Nature is filled with botanical treasures, and the coconut palm is one of them. Our Kokodama was born out of the primal power hidden in this so-called ‘Tree of Life’. 99% natural, 100% biodegradable, filled with fascinating greens. A natural alternative to the standard plastic plant pot, handmade with care in Sri Lanka.