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What distingueshes Komante in the landscape of software development is our approach, as well as our products. As we said - You'll know your project is going well, if it's fun to work on . It means that we believe that development should be fun, as any other form of creation is. Not only in the beginning, but all the way through the project or product lifecycle. And for our products it is.

First od all, because here you can find applications like nowhere else on the web. We take creative ideas that looks interesting, and want to answer - Ok, how realization of the idea would look like? One thing is to conceive the product from idea, to analyze it, compare it with similar products, weight its usability and possible profitability, but another to really see it working. That's why our products are unique. We wanted to see those ideas working.

Of course, creation of any software product is not an easy task. So to make possible to see our ideas working we need: Fast prototyping Rapid, agile development Lot of experience, expertise, and coordination to make development smooth Expert knowledge of the tech stack we use Accordance with standards, good practices and proper architecture and process And always, enough time to just think!