Koshi no Kanbai is made in the heart of Niigata, the most renowned sake-producing region in all of Japan. The pristinely cold, snowy winters contribute to making this the idea environment for craft sake brewing, and the history and culture of the region define its character and terroir.
The Niigata region is lush with natural surroundings that combine to create an outstanding environment for growing rice, as well as the ultimate sake-brewing terroir for which the region is famous. Tall mountains that bless the land with copious amounts of pure and soft water, vast stretches of rice fields, cold and clean air to facilitate the brewing of Niigata sake which is then enjoyed by consumers across the region, enjoyed with fresh local seafood for which the region is also famous. All of these facto
For centuries, the town has been famous for large, fragrant plums that appear in the early summer. In one orchard there was a tree that blossomed at the cusp of spring, braving the cold and snow that still lay upon the ground. This lone blossom that stood out so vividly became the origin for the name of our sake, Koshi no Kanbai.