koshuofjapan.com - KOJ | KOSHU OF JAPAN

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The vineyards of Yamanashi lie at the foothills of Mount Fuji, the majestic mountain, which is one of the magical symbols of Japan and also a World Heritage site. Approximately one thousand years ago, the Koshu grape travelled along the Silk Route and found its Japanese home in the Prefecture of Yamanashi. Koshu of Japan, (KOJ) was established in 2009 to promote and improve the quality of Koshu, and through its efforts, the wines continue to gain recognition in international markets.

Koshu of Japan (KOJ) is an organization established in July 2009 by fifteen Japanese wine producers from Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan’s premier wine-growing region. In addition to the producers, the partners in this organization are the Koshu City Chamber of Commerce, the Kofu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Yamanashi Prefecture Winemakers Association. This organization aims to improve the quality of Japanese Koshu grapes and wines and to increase their awareness on global markets.

Traditionally, Koshu has been planted using the pergola trellising method, partly to protect the bunches during periods of summer rainfall. In more recent years, there have been experiments with vertical shoot positioning which are very promising. Long cordon pruning has also been tried as an alternative to the traditional Japanese pruning technique. Significant advances have been made in limiting yields and focusing on canopy management. International expertise has resulted in marked improvements in qualit

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