- AI computers and software for space applications

Description: We accelerate space exploration by advancing ​autonomous spacecraft operation and robotic technology.​

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KP Labs advances the next generation of Earth observation (EO) satellites with artificial intelligence and autonomous software. Deep learning models can process Earth’s frequent cloudy coverage onboard these satellites. The team has been developing a novel in-orbit Cloud Detection Application for the European Space Agency’s Φ-sat-2 mission powered by deep learning.

At KP Labs, we constantly strive to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of space exploration thanks to AI and on-board data processing. We are proud to announce our top 10 achievements of 2022, which showcase the hard work and dedication of our team. We strongly encourage readers to […]

Project Red Kyte brought together an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers at KP Labs and GSTS to optimize the deployment, benchmarking, and performance of three deep learning algorithms specialized in space applications. By using real-use cases, the experimental results were published in the open-access journal Remote Sensing, showing how state-of-the-art machine learning techniques can be benchmarked, compared, and tested end-to-end before deployment. 

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